About us

Itermar Tour Operator

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About us


Born in 1971, Itermar Tour Operator srl is the natural continuation of the experience accumulated in the world of tourism by the Salvadoran Family. Today itermar is one of the leading Italian tour operators, with a programming covering customer groups with the most diverse needs, both group and individual.

A young, highly customer oriented management team coordinates highly qualified staff, experience and reliability, with the daily goal of ensuring that the customer is in fact the main business partner in the acquisition of new market slices ; It is the proof of the traveler satisfaction Itermar at 99.99%.

Specializing in group travels Italy and Europe, a sector in which it is a national leader, Itermar meets any requirement with every budget, from travel to business incentives to senior citizens, through four confidential catalogs at net prices that serve over three thousand Group travel agency specialists.

To this we add a rich individual programming for the Adriatic and Croatia for a mailing covering all 13,000 Italian agencies. During the past year over two hundred and seventy-seven customers traveled with the organization of Itermar T.O.

In 2013, the company added to the 9001: 2008 seniority and travel study overseas certification, including the UNI EN 14804: 2005 certification for travel-related language travel providers in Italy and abroad , In order to improve the quality of the services offered.